Our partners are Fyneco, Olivais do Sul, Orujo Frío y CEBAS-CSIC.
Solex Ibérica de secados granulares
Company responsible for the drying system of the solid by-product of the alperujo with a certified system of zero emissions. His process can dry, granulate and even micronize the solid by-product.

The CEBAS-CSIC is a multidisciplinary Research Institute that carries out research in three related scientific-technical areas (Agricultural Sciences, Food Science and Technology, and Natural Resources), which work with the necessary autonomy, but within a common link as is the Centeritself. This centerseeks to contribute, through research, to generate the necessary knowledge to develop strategies to achieve sustainability of the fragile resources existing in semi-arid zones, managing them correctly and making possible in that environment, the development of quality agriculture and obtaining healthy and safe plant foods.

Orujo Frío
Company located in Andalusia involvedin the development of i+d+iprojects foragroindustrialsector and specialized in the solution of industrial waste in olive grove.

Olivais do Sul
Company dedicated to the cultivation of olives and extra virgin olive oil production. It is located in Alentejo (Portugal) and has 600 hectares of olives crops in high and super high density systems and an olive oil mill of approximately 3000 sqm equipped with the latest technology and capacity for 4.5 million litters of olive oil.

Fyneco(leading the project) is aninnovative technology-based company located in Murcia and specializedin formulation and packaging of fertilizers, biofertilizers, nutrients, phyto-fortifiers and biocontrol agents with a solid biotechnological base and whichoffers solutions tailored to needs raised by farmers. Fynecoprovides a comprehensive service together with products supply and specialized technical advice for farmer. For this, company has qualified technicians coming from several degrees related to agriculture and trained at different universities.