CEBAS receives UMH students visiting the experimental farm of CEBAS-CSIC where the biostimulants of the LIFE OLEA REGENERA project are being validated.

LIFE OLEA REGENERA receives the visit of NEEMO to see the progress of the project.
We visited the experimental farm of CEBAS-CSIC where some of the treatments on crops of commercial interest with the products of NEEMO are being
some of the treatments on crops of commercial interest with the fertilizers and biostimulants
fertilizers and biostimulants designed in the project.

TVE Interview
TVE interviews OLIVAIS DO SUL, Portuguese partners of the LIFE OLEA REGENERA project to learn more about the project and the results obtained so far.

Dissemination of the LIFE Olea Regenera project in Portugal
Last September 7 took place the annual campaign meeting of the friends and partners of the LIFE Olea Regenera Olivais do Sul project in Portugal, where the current results were presented by Fyneco’s technical director César Mota.

Alberto González, administrator of Olivais Do Soul.

Dr. César Mota, technical director of Fyneco.
Visit of the International Olive Council
We received the visit of a delegation from the IOC to the OLIVAIS DO SUL facilities in Monte do Trigo (Portugal) where they were informed about the LIFE OLEA REGENERA project and its possible implications for the olive oil sector.

International Meeting Phytoma SPAIN
We presented the results obtained in the LIFE OLEA REGENERA project at the International Meeting Phytoma SPAIN on the new scenario of olive grove health.

Final conference of the LIFE OLEA REGENERA project
The LIFE OLEA REGENERA project is coming to an end after 5 years of intense work by all the members of the consortium. But it has not been in vain, the OLEA REGENERA project has obtained promising results, which have far exceeded those expected at the beginning.
In order to inform interested sectors about these excellent results, last Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the team that forms the LIFE OLEA REGENERA project went to the HO Ciudad de Jaén hotel. There, Dr. Yolanda Risueño, I+D+i technician at Fyneco (project coordinator company), was in charge of welcoming the event and presenting, together with Dr. Teresa Maestre, researcher in the Plant Nutrition Group at CEBAS-CISC, the main results on the validation of the new agricultural inputs. On the other hand, Mar López, technical director at Orujo Frio, presented technical information on the machinery designed for processing alperujo, and the application of the by-products obtained in animal feed. The event ended with a presentation on the reproduction of this process in Portugal, by Alberto González, Administrator of OLIVAIS DO SUL.

During the day we had the pleasure of having the participation of Juan Vilar, strategic consultant and international expert in the olive sector, who gave an interesting talk on the valorization of olive pomace as an additional sustainable and profitable business line, which opened an interesting debate on the current situation of the olive industry.

This debate continued at the round table, moderated by the administrator of Fyneco, Elvira López, and formed by Antonio Lorite (Manager of Hacienda Vadolivo), Fernando Muñoz (Representative of the olive sector in Jaén and former president of AENO), Juan Vilar (Strategic consultant and international expert in the olive oil sector), César Mota (doctor in plant physiology and technical director of I+D+i at Fyneco) and Nereida Luna (director of quality and I+D+i at R&D Animal and Vegetable Nutrition).

As guest projects, we had the interesting presentations of Claudia Pastor, Project manager of CETAQUA, who spoke about the objectives of her new project LIFE CYCLOPS.

Raquel Trillo, Quality and Control Manager of CITOLIVA, gave an interesting talk on the main results obtained in their two LIFE projects, COMPOLIVE and SOLIEVA.

And we ended the presentations with the participation of Enrique Lucas, Acting Secretary General of the City Council of Mora, who spoke about the promising advances in the environmental restoration of alpechín ponds achieved through its LIFE REGROW project.

To conclude, we would be grateful if you would take the following survey, through which we would like to know your opinion and impressions on the impact of the project on your environment.