Start of the Project LIFE OLEA REGENERA

Last September 13th, all partners of the project held the kick-off meeting at CEBAS-CSIC facilities in Murcia to begin the project that will last from September 2018 to March 2022. The project will be located in Murcia, Andalusia and Portugal.

In this meeting, partners treated the actions that will be carried out during the first months of the project, defining again all points that they have to work and solving possible doubts of some of the partners. Thereby, everything was ready to performance the planned actions.
LIFE 2017 Projects Kick-off in Brussels
During the days 6th and 7th of November took place in Brussels the kick-off of all projects within LIFE program 2017. Representatives of OLEA REGENERA attended this meeting and had the opportunity to present the project in the presence of the rest of the projects of the same category, to see what the rest of projects approved in the LIFE program consist of, to treat with other beneficiaries and share impressions. Moreover, LIFE program commission reported on the points to be taken into account during the project and solved all doubts of beneficiaries.
On the other hand, we had the pleasure of meeting the EASME monitor César Seoánez during these days, who also gave us some advice for the good execution of LIFE OLEA REGENERA.
It was a great experience for the team and a great opportunity for the project itself.

Design of the project logo and launch of the project website and social networks
During these first months of work, logo of the project was designed. You can see it below. This logo shows the essence of the project and will be the corporate image of it. In addition, launch of our website (link) was done. In this website you can learn all about OLEA REGENERA and follow all the news and related advances step by step.
We leave below the links of LIFE OLEA REGENERA profiles in social networks:

Interest of social media for the project
Since it was known that OLEA REGENERA project had been approved by the LIFE 2017 program, many media have been interested in obtaining more information about it since they have granted interviews and published articles. Thanks to this, the project has been presented in society since the beginning, and there is already a large number of interested people who have asked for both the project and the final products that will be obtained throughout it.
Below you will find the articles published in magazines and newspapers, and an interview broadcast on the “Diario de Campo” program of the local station of Murcia 7RM.
Article published on September 26th, 2018 in MurciaEconomía:
“La murciana Fyneco lidera la investigación sobre los restos del aceite de oliva y el residuo “cero””
Article published on October 2nd, 2018 in La Verdad:
“La biotecnología cierra el círculo del aceite de oliva”
Article published on October 29th, 2018 in Mercacei:
“Life Olea Regenera, un proyecto para valorizar los residuos generados en la extracción del aceite de oliva”
Interview broadcast on January 8th, 2019 by 7RM in its program “Diario de Campo”:
Technical meeting of project partners
On January 22th, one of the technical meetings took place among all the project partners to share the progress in each of the actions that must be carried out and prepare the next actions. These meetings are necessary for the proper execution of the project and the result was very positive. In addition, following the nature of the project in terms of environmental protection, this meeting was maintained by Skype, thus reducing CO2 emissions caused by the transport.
